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Guide to understand regex flags i,g,m in Javascript

Guide to understand regex flags i,g,m in Javascript

In this post we will see some example of regular expression to understand regex flags i,g,m in Javascript.

i (Ignore case)

Makes the regular expression search case insensitive.

const regex = /foo/i;
const str = 'FoO';

regex.test( str ); // Output true

g (Global)

This will make sure that the expression will be searched in complete string and does not stop on the first match.

const regex = /foo/g;
const str = 'foo foo bar foo';

str.match( regex ); // Output ['foo', 'foo', 'foo']

m (Multiline)

To make the regular expression work for each row we use ‘m’ flag else the complete string is considered as one rejecting rows as new line.

const regex = /foo/m;
const str = `

numberRegex.test( str ); // Output true


Hope this helps you to understand on how to use flags in regular expression. See you in my next post. Till then enjoy coding 🙂

Further Readings

Javascript Regex

How to use named capture group in Javascript regex

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